The German-speaking section of AISCGre forms a broad network of Gregorian specialists and amateurs with over 200 members in 22 countries. Among them are numerous lecturers, schola directors, church musicians and various professors of Gregorian chant, e.g. at
- Hochschule für Musik und Theater München
(Prof. Stephan Zippe) - Hochschule für katholische Kirchenmusik und Musikpädagogik Regensburg
(Prof. Dr. Christoph Hönerlage) - Hochschule für Kirchenmusik der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart
(Prof. Dr. Inga Behrendt) - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
(Univ.-Prof. Cornelius Pouderoijen OSB)
Apart from individuals, among the members there are scholas, monasteries and academic institutions. The German-speaking section implements the AISCGre goals on the various levels of research, teaching and praxis. Members meet annually in autumn for three days with a main conference on a topic concerning Gregorian Chant, singing praxis and exchange.
The German-speaking section publishes the Beiträge zur Gregorianik.