Dear members of AISCGre,
dear friends of Gregorian Chant,

I invite you most cordially to participate in the 11th International Congress on Gregorian Chant. It will be held at Bischof-Benno-Haus, the academy of the diocese of Dresden-Meißen, in Schmochtitz near Bautzen, Germany. Arrival is on Pentecost Monday, 10thJune 2019, the programme starts that very evening at 19 h and the congress will end on Saturday, 15th June towards noon.

The congress theme reads: Gregorian Chant: Semiology and Interpretation. The central role of rhythmical articulation. The 11th International Congress therefore puts its focus on a central aspect of the interpretation of Gregorian chant: the rhythmical articulation offers at the same time the base and the rhythmical-musical-aesthetical context for an interpretation following the principles of semiology. The heart matter of AISCGre therefore is at the centre of this meeting: the continuation of the semiological orientation of Gregorian chant as founded by Eugène Cardine, which does not limit itself to description and analysis but which ultimately aims at the proclamation of the divine Word.

The theme will be elaborated in conferences, short presentations, workshops and numerous practical units; rehearsals, liturgies and concerts will, as always, be part of the programme.

The regular inscription fee will be 140 Euro (reduced fee 80 Euro). Registration closing date is 30 April 2019.

During the congress, in connection with the AISCGre General Assembly on 13th June there will be the election for the International Board of Directors. There is the possibility of postal vote; the chairpersons of the AISCGre sections will inform the members on the modalities.

Who would like to offer a short scientific presentation (max 15 minutes) is kindly asked to send the title and a short summary to The number of proposals received and their relevancy for the congress theme will decide on their admission. The presenters will be asked to provide – during the congress – short written summaries in the official congress languages (German, Italian, English).

Dear colleagues, dear friends of the Gregorian Chant, I am very much looking forward to meeting you again or for the first time during the 11th International Congress of AISCGre!

Alexander M. Schweitzer